Multiple Liquidity Pools

Can also be understood as the Makers

Staking pools are commonly seen in DeFi as a source of revenue making for traders but also have played an important role as liquidity provision to most DeFi protocols in general. However, most now only adopt a single unity pool that limits most users from exercising choices of options. Zomma pools offer multiple pools for users to choose upon based on their trading preferences, segregating risks across whilst the capital stakes in Zomma pools can also trade against takers as makers. All users can leverage on different Zomma pools to maximize profits, minimizing relative risks.

Zomma Pools

Liquidity providers (LP) can liberally add liquidity to specific pools according to their preferences, contributing to an unique equity for each. Each Zomma pool functions similar to a fund whereby its equity changes according to time and prices of its underlying assets. Whenever a LP adds liquidity, the pool’s equity would reflect the total token (share) count of the pool that in turns determines the price of a single token (share).

All Zomma pools would update their respective available liquidity most instantly that available liquidity owned by the LPs across different staking pools would accumulate in sum to quote in response to traders’, thereafter sharing the positions acquired across different pools proportionately.

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